Liberty Interview Recorder
Dual Camera Support


Beginning with LIR V2.1, Liberty Interview Recorder has provided support for dual-camera recording. Dual camera recording means that the Liberty system captures and records two complete video feeds for each recording session, instead of doing a more traditional picture-in-a-picture overlay. Dual camera support is critical for applications where users want to capture two complete streams of video. This can be especially important for child advocate or adolescent interviews where the subject may move around. The older picture-in-a-picture type solution uses an overlay technique where a portion of the recording stream may be overlaid by a second camera feed, thus obscuring some of the camera range.

The screen capture below illustrates the playback of a dual video recording using Windows Media Player.

Dual Camera Playback in Windows Media Player

The screen capture below illustrates the playback of a dual video recording using the Liberty Player program.

Dual Camera Playback

You may download and review the complete video from the link below. While the camera and lighting condictions are not optimal, the recording will provide a good example of what can be achieved with the dual camera support. Please be aware, you need the LIR Player V2.1 or later to playback this video file.

This download is a dual camera recording that may be played back with LIR V2.1 or later:
Liberty Interview File with Dual Camera Recording (approx 200mb).


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