Streaming from the Liberty Court Recorder

Liberty Recorder Streaming Overview

The Liberty Recorder can create and send RTSP audio/video streams directly from the recorder application.
These RTSP streams can be used for multiple purposes including:

This page documents the RTSP configuration settings required to support the various use cases described in the list above.

Broadcast to a Dedicated Media Server

The Liberty Recorder may be configured to broadcast an RTSP stream to a dedicated media server. Applicable media servers are provided by Liberty Recording. Servers provided by Liberty Recording reside on the Internet and provide real-time public access to the audio/video of the courtroom proceedings. The following configuration describes the Recorder RTSP settings used for a media server provided by Liberty Recording, residing on an AWS server in the cloud.

Prior to configuring the Recorder, the account must confirm that a port is available that can be used to send the RTSP stream out of their network into the Internet, to the media server. By default, the Liberty Media Server expects streams on port 8554. If the 8554 port is not available, then inform the Liberty support representative of the port number that will be used by the account.

Also, the Liberty support representative must provide a server url along with access credentials that will allow the Recorder to connect to the server with the RTSP stream. The url will be in a format similar to:


As seen in the url above, the last index of the url is the courtroom name. The courtroom name can be any name used to distinguish this courtroom from other courtrooms at the account. If the account has more than one courtroom, then the end-users watching the broadcast will use this name to select the courtroom that they want to view. The specified courtroom name must therefore be unique to the account.

Follow the steps below to configure the Recorder for broadcasting to a dedicated media server:

  1. In the Recorder, go to the options and select the "Broadcast RTP" tab.
  2. Click the "Add" button to define a new RTSP Stream and open the "RTSP/RTP Streaming Settings" dialog Window.
  3. On the RTSP/RTP Streaming Settings dialog, specify:
    • A name for the stream.
    • The "Class" for the stream. Generally this type of Broadcast will be a "Public" broadcast. Specifying that the broadcast is "Public" allows the operator to use a toolbar button to toggle the stream on and off.
    • Specify when the Recorder should start the broadcast. This setting must be determined based on the wishes of the account.
    • Enable "Stream to Server" and click on the "Server Settings" button to specify the server url and credentials.
    • Based on account requirements, the system should be configured to include all or some of the video being captured and the resolution for the video should be selected.
    • The audio encoding should be set at "AAC".
    • Based on account requirements, the options should be set as to if any "sealed" portions of the recording should be broadcast.

Streaming to a Dedicated Server

Click on "Ok" and "Apply" on all of the Windows to save the new RTSP/RTP settings to broadcast to a dedicated Media Server.

Media Server Link to Watch Broadcast

Accounts will be provided with a link, similar in format to the link shown below, that can be published to provide access to the RTSP stream from the courtroom to the public or other interested parties that have the link. The link can be published on a website or sent to parties in an email or a pdf.,Courtroom200,Courtroom300

The example link above includes at least two variables that must be altered at each account:

  • The server (srv=) variable must match the server defined in the Recorder broadcast url setting.
  • The available courtrooms (rooms=) variable must match the room names specified as the last index of the broadcast urls.
    If multiple rooms are specified then the user will be presented with a list of the rooms from which they must select.
    In the example above, the courtroom names are Courtroom100, Courtroom200 and Courtroom300.

Streaming Configuration for Liberty Network Monitor (LNM)

To support the Liberty Network Monitor, the Recorder application must have at least one RTSP stream configured as seen in the screen capture below.

Follow the steps below to configure the Recorder for broadcasting to support the Liberty Network Monitor:

  1. In the Recorder, go to the options and select the "Broadcast RTP" tab.
  2. Click the "Add" button to define a new RTSP Stream and open the "RTSP/RTP Streaming Settings" dialog Window.
  3. On the RTSP/RTP Streaming Settings dialog, specify:
    • A name for this stream.
    • The "Class" for the stream. Any stream supporting the Network Monitor program will be a "Service" broadcast. Specifying that the broadcast is a "Service" means that this stream is not controlled by the operator with the toolbar button that toggles the stream on and off. Instead, the stream activation is only determined by the "When" setting as specified elsewhere on this dialog Window.
    • Specify when the Recorder should start the broadcast stream. This setting must be determined based on the wishes of the account about when the Network Monitor can be used.
    • Enable "Stream to Viewers". Usually the "Viewer Settings" can be left at their defaults.
    • Based on account requirements, the system should be configured to include all or some of the video being captured and the resolution for the video should be selected.
    • The audio encoding should be set at "AAC".
    • Based on account requirements, the options should be set as to if any "sealed" portions of the recording should be broadcast.

Streaming for Liberty Network Monitor

Click on "Ok" and "Apply" on all of the Windows to save the new RTSP/RTP settings to broadcast to support the Network Monitor program.

Note, to complete the Recorder configuration for Liberty Network Monitor, also go to the "Mirror" tab and configure the Recorder for mirroring and also go to the "Remote Monitoring" tab and "Enable" remote monitoriong.


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