Liberty Court Recorder V6.4

June 26, 2012

High Criteria Inc. Announces the Immediate Availability of the Liberty Court Recorder, Version 6.4.

High Criteria Inc, a world leader in computer audio / video recording systems, today announced the immediate availability of an updated version of the Liberty Court Recording system for recording courtroom and other legal proceedings. The Liberty Court Recorder is a digital recording application that runs on a PC or laptop and records multiple audio channels directly to the computer hard-drive.

The Liberty System offers an economical, state-of-the-art alternative for those wanting to move away from tape systems such as the Sony BM 246 and incorporate the benefits of a digital audio / video recording system into the courtroom.

Enhancements in this release include:

  • Support for a network connected iBoot device. The iBoot is controlled by the Recorder application which turns a 110v power outlet off-and-on in sync with the status of the recorder program. If the program is recording, then the 110v outlet is turned on. If the program is not recording, then the 110v outlet is turned off. This support allows a court to attach any standard 110v light to the iBoot and can indicate the recording status to observers in the courtroom.
  • Support for a new "file-split" facility. The file-split facility will automatically split recording files, as they are created. Splitting the files allows for the smaller files to be managed and transmitted, without waiting for the court session to complete and the recording file to be closed.
  • Support for including the status of the recorder program in the video broadcast stream, so anyone watching the stream will know the status of the recorder.
  • Support for the ability in the Player program to play dcr files across an IP network, without the need for the Microsoft Networking protocol.
  • A number of other internal updates and improvements.

Version 6.4 of both the Liberty Recorder and the no-cost Player are available immediately. The Player may be downloaded from the High Criteria web site at

Portable configurations suitable for use with a laptop computer are also available.

The Liberty Interview Recorder is available through local re-sellers in the United States such as JCG Technologies of Scottsdale Arizona (, Northland Systems of Minnesota (, BIS Digital Systems ( and Gramco Business Communications ( and directly through High Criteria Inc.

Please see the Liberty Recording website ( for more information.

Please contact High Criteria at for further details.

Please follow this link to the Liberty Recording home page.


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