Liberty Court Recorder V8.3

November 16, 2021

High Criteria Inc. Announces the Immediate Availability of the Liberty Court Recorder, Version 8.3.

High Criteria Inc, a world leader in computer audio / video recording systems, today announced the immediate availability of the newest version of the Liberty Court Recording system for recording courtroom and other legal proceedings. The Liberty Court Recorder is a digital recording application that runs on a PC or laptop and records multiple audio channels directly to the computer hard-drive.

The Liberty System offers a state-of-the-art recording system to capture the court record. The system also supports an add-on facility for remote conferencing that is specific to the courtroom and replaces general-purpose conferencing systems.

Enhancements in Version 8.3 include:

  • The system Remote Conferencing facility now allows for authorized parties to manage and control a non-recorded conference, or to manage and control a conference being recorded on a different recording computer.
  • The system Remote Conferencing facility now supports parties acting as simultaneous interpreters. Other parties in the conference can balance the audio between the audio being spoken in the courtroom, and the interpretation being spoken by the interpreter, using a simple balance control on the user interface.
  • The system Remote Conferencing facility now supports the ability for remote parties to share their screens or to quickly do a screen grab of their screen and send it to other parties in the conference.
  • The system Remote Conferencing facility now supports the ability to define roles for remote parties. Roles may be assigned to specified recording channels, and assigning a role to remote parties allows the system to automatically assign recording channels to the parties, as they are brought into conference.
  • Recorder Profiles are no longer tied to the number of instances of the Recorder. Use of Profiles is no longer restricted and all users may now define as many Profiles as needed.
  • A number of other internal updates and enhancements.

Version 8.3 of both the Liberty Recorder and the no-cost Player are available immediately. The Player may be downloaded from the High Criteria web site at

The Liberty Court Recorder is available through local re-sellers in the United States such as JCG Technologies of Scottsdale Arizona (, Northland Systems of Minnesota (, BIS Digital Systems ( and Gramco Business Communications ( and directly through High Criteria Inc.

Please see the Liberty Recording website ( for more information.

Please contact High Criteria at for further details.

Please follow this link to the Liberty Recording home page.


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