Liberty Virtual Courtroom for Hybrid and Virtual Courts

Liberty Hybrid and Virtual Courtroom

Liberty Virtual Courtroom

The Liberty Virtual Courtroom (LVC) is a purpose-built audio / video conferencing system designed specifically for the courtroom by Liberty Recording.

The Liberty Virtual Courtroom does not use any of the general-purpose conferencing systems such as Teams, Zoom or Webex. Instead, the Liberty system was developed in-house by Liberty Recording, concentrating on courtroom-specific needs and features. The Liberty Virtual Courtroom integrates with and compliments the Liberty Court Recorder.

Instead of placing the focus on a grid of video portraits, the Liberty Virtual Courtroom empowers court staff with a unique set of controls in a Conference Manager Window used for managing and controlling hybrid and virtual court sessions. In the Conference Manager Window, at a glance, court staff can quickly determine the status and roles of all conference participants.

The screen capture below illustrates the Conference Manager Window where details about all of the participants are made available to court staff. Information such as the participant name, time of appearence, docket number and the role they play in the case are all immediately available.

Liberty Virtual Courtroom Screen Capture

Introductory Video

Watch the 90 second video linked below for an introduction to the Liberty Virtual Courtroom.

Liberty Virtual / Hybrid Court Diagram

Liberty Virtual Courtroom Diagram

Liberty Virtual / Hybrid Courtroom Features Include:

    The Liberty Hybrid and Virtual Courtroom includes the following features:

  • Complete end-to-end encryption of all the media data and other materials in accordance with encryption standards and protocols defined in the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology,
    NIST Special Publication 800-131A.   Follow this link for additional details about the NIST.
  • Individual audio recording channels for each participant, whether they be local or remote.
  • Hybrid configurations where local microphones are individually captured along with remotely connected participants who are also captured on individual audio channels.
  • Unique or generic links for participants to access the conference.
  • Support for courtroom access using an iOS app on an Apple device, use of an Android device, or even on a plain telephone (using a VoIP line).
  • Encrypted transfer of documents and text messages.
  • Ability to place participants into "Private Rooms" where they are not recorded or heard by other conference parties.
  • Support for simultaneous interpretation where participants can select to listen to the interpreter, or the court, or some level of both.
  • Automatic audit as parties connect to and leave the Virtual Courtroom.
  • Ability for all conference participants to share their screens.
  • Optional streaming of the court activities to a website, a Wowza server or to 3rd party sites such as YouTube.
  • All of the standard features and facilities as found in the Liberty Court Recorder.

Contact Liberty Recording for more Information

More details on the Liberty Recorder program can be obtained by contacting Liberty Recording at
905-886-7771 & press 1 or at


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